By using our website, you confirm that you agree to the following terms and conditions. Note that any reference to ‘us’, ‘we’ or ‘our’ refers to Leoni Creative.

This policy outlines how we collect, store and use information/data about you when you make use of, or interact with, our website (https://www.leonicreative.com).

Collection of anonymous data

All visits on our website are recorded via Google Analytics. This information is completely anonymous, and the information collected is used to measure the performance & interaction with the site, so that we may continually improve the user experience. Information about your visit is collected via a cookie – a small data file stored on your own computer. For reference, Google Analytics uses the following cookies:
_gid Google Analytics

These cookies are essential for our site to anonymously track user behaviour so that we can better understand and improve upon the current user experience. Cookie Name Purpose Expires in 2 years

Should you wish to avoid this data being collected, you may do so by changing the settings of your internet browser; please refer to the official support documentation of your internet browser for further details.

Confidentiality of disclosed personal details
Any information you submit through our website (i.e. newsletter signup, enquiry forms, job applications, etc.) is treated as confidential and shall not be shared with any third party without your prior consent; unless this is necessary to run our business, fulfil any agreements and/or contracts we have mutually entered into with you or where required by law.